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Mandate and Composition

The Yukon Heritage Resources Board (YHRB) was established in 1995 in accordance with Chapters13 and 2 of the Umbrella Final Agreement (UFA). The Board’s duties and responsibilities are outlined primarily in Chapters 13 and 10 of individual Yukon First Nation Final Agreements, the Yukon's Historic Resources Act  (Part 1, Section 4), and Yukon First Nation Heritage Acts.


The Board comprises ten members from throughout the Yukon who operate in the public interest. The Council of Yukon First Nations nominates five appointees and the Yukon government nominates five, with the concurrence of the government of Canada for one of the selections. All appointments are made by the Yukon Minister of Tourism and Culture for three-year terms.


The mandate of the YHRB is to provide advice to governments on issues that affect the Yukon’s heritage resources, and determinations regarding ownership in disputes referred to the Board. Board members work with a variety of groups and individuals across the territory and nationally to fulfill this mandate. The YHRB supports a broad view of heritage that encompasses not only objects, artifacts, and buildings, but also trails and routes, burial grounds, oral and written history, and languages.


Under legislation, the Board may make recommendations to the Minister and to Yukon First Nations regarding the management of Movable Heritage Resources and Heritage Sites. The Board may make recommendations on any matter related to Heritage Resources, including traditional knowledge, traditional languages, review of regulations pertaining to Heritage Resources, and other heritage matters identified in 13.5.3.


The YHRB may also be asked to make determinations relating to ownership of heritage resources, pursuant to sections and 13.3.6 of the Final Agreements. 


Under the Historic Resources Act, the Board is to advise the Minister on appropriate policies and guidelines for the designation of historic sites and appropriate policies; guidelines and standards for the care and custody of historic objects; making regulations under the Act; and the use of the Yukon Historic Resources Fund.



Yukon Heritage Resources Board 2019

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